The Camre Bursary
The scheme has
been up and running since July 2009 - since then it has
helped over 300 individuals by awarding over £190,000 (an average of £630 per person)
to help in accessing education, learning and developmental opportunities in
many areas.
A report into the impact and effectiveness of the Bursary is available from the menu on the left.
The scheme is currently accepting applications for funding.
individual who wants to apply to this discretionary 'pot' for financial help
towards any eligible expenditure must have undertaken and be able to evidence
some voluntary work they have completed. Voluntary work must be undertaken in the community for the benefit of the community.
applications received must be accompanied by a signed statement evidencing the
number of hours of voluntary work which has been undertaken and completed - any application which is received
without this will not be processed and
will be returned.
The number of hours of voluntary work required
will depend upon the amount of funding being applied for - this is outlined in the table below:
in £
that could be applied for
of Volunteer Hours Required
Up to £250
Minimum of 12
£251 - £500
Minimum of 24
£501 - £750
Minimum of 36
£751 - £1,000
Minimum of 48
£1,001 - £1,500
Minimum of 72
£1,501 - £2,000
Minimum of 96
£2,000 or more
Minimum of 120
NB - All volunteering work
undertaken and used in the submission of an application must have already been
completed, evidenced and counter signed by the individuals support worker. Volunteering work must have been completed
within the last 12 months for it to be considered.
Please use this log for this purpose
Volunteering while you are in prison? We will need some kind of confirmation from staff at the prison that your hours are 'above and beyond' what is required of you as part of your sentence plan or prison-based job. Please do use your application to tell us more about how your volunteering is helping others, and what you enjoy most about doing it.
Volunteering in the community? Tell us about how your volunteering is helping your community in your application - we would love to hear about what you have learned from your volunteering too.
Unsure whether the project you are working with would count as volunteering hours for a CAMRE application? Ask your support worker to contact us to discuss it.
In such an instance, the whole of
the application could be approved, but the funds will be released on the
successful evidenced completion of each part of the whole course.
It is each applicant's personal responsibility
to ensure any volunteering work undertaken by them does not conflict or have an
impact on any benefits they are claiming.
The Camre
Bursary Scheme will not fund applications where it is believed there is an
alternative funding source available.
The Camre
Bursary Scheme should be applied for only when all other possible sources of
funding have been exhausted.
No Automatic Approval
correctly completed applications will be considered by the bursary scheme panel
with all 'discretionary' funds - the panel reserve the right to seek additional information where deemed
are not automatically approved and the panel are not answerable to applicants
with regard to any decision concerning the funds.
panel will not enter into discussions or explanations concerning applications
which are not approved.
the panel have considered the applications received, they will notify the successful applicant via their
support/key worker within one week.
to the number of applications received and the careful monitoring requirements
of the scheme there is an expectation that the support/key worker will be the
person who will be dealt with following the approval of an application form and
not the individual applicants.